Thursday, July 26, 2007

For My Friend Melissa

Starting my lace and needlework blog for my friend Melissa. It will have my knitting, crocheting, tatting and bobbin lace work. So, here we go!

I think all the time about projects. I like to make something unusal or special about every project I plan. I keep a design book with a record of all my schtuff: thread/yarn samples, drawings, pattern copy, etc. Sometimes I change a pre-published pattern, sometimes I follow the pattern exactly but use an usual thread or yarn choice, sometimes I make up the whole thing. Even when I'm working, I'm thinking about color combinations, stitch combinations, and my next conquest.

1 comment:

Aunt Melissa said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the inspiration. I'll get busy now and update my own blog with projects. Mad housecleaning over the weekend has put me in a position to do crafts. I made nice cards this last weekend and didn't even think of posting them... but there will be more to come. As I live in an orderly environment, there is more time for crafts!!!! Love ya, M